Dongara District High School seeks to provide students with the opportunity to achieve their academic, social, creative and physical potential which will enable them to be informed and positive contributors to society.

‘Achieve with Honour’
Welcome to Dongara District High School
Dongara District High School is a prospering school providing primary and secondary education to students from years K – 12. We seek to provide students with the opportunity to achieve their academic, social, creative and physical potential which will enable them to be informed and positive contributors to society.
We focus on Respect for Self, Respect for Others, Respect for Property and Respect for the Environment. We are proud of our school motto, ‘Achieve with Honour’ and work hard at ensuring we all display these qualities as we go about our daily work at school.
The staff emphasise and maintain a high standard of values and encourages students to be active citizens within the school and community.
We are very proud of our new buildings and grounds which are superbly maintained and aesthetically pleasing creating an inspirational working environment for students, staff and parents.